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Tuesday 26 April 2016


Rihanna been pregnant rumor popped up after the 'work' crooner  stopped smoking cigarettes and drinking champagne in the past two weeks.

 Is Rihanna pregnant? If it’s so, who is the father? The 28-years-old Barbarian singer is hit with reports of been pregnant as she has stopped smoking and drinking. MediaTakeOut first spread the news, speculating that it could be either Drake or Leonardo DiCaprio’s baby  The site claims, “Rihanna might be pregnant” because “in the past two weeks Rihanna has stopped smoking cigarettes, stopped drinking champagne and no longer allows marijuana to be smoked around her.” It further supports its claim, “And here’s the shocker. According to one of Rihanna’s close friends – Rih did not smoke weed on [4/20]. You know how much of a weed smoker Rihanna is… to not smoke weed on [4/20] must mean something serious is going down.”

The news outlet adds, “Obviously we can’t confirm Rihanna’s pregnant 100% without seeing her medical records. But there is more evidence. Look at her new body shape as seen at her Saturday night concert in Vancouver. Rih appears to have a slight belly bulge.”

Gossip Cop, however, has debunked the story. In fact, this is not the first time that MTO has reported that Rihanna’s pregnant. The webloid ran a similar story back in 2011 and 2014, but none of them were proven to be true.


Ace Journalist and Tv presenter ,Pierce Morgan wrote an article for Mail Online.

Here is the full detail-

I never like it when entertainers go all political.The cynic in me believes it’s rarely done for genuine reasons but for strictly commercial ones.
Whether it’s Oscar-winners preaching from the Academy Awards pulpit or Madonna seizing the best-looking babies from African orphanages, it always looks and sounds like they’re using a ‘good cause’ as a fashion accessory.

Which brings me to Beyoncé and her new ‘visual-album’, Lemonade.
Now, I bow to no man nor woman when it comes to my admiration for this lady.
I once spent a delightful day with her in London for CNN and she was bright, warm, funny, sharp and incredibly impressive.
We chatted, had tea and scones, and finally went to the famous department store Harrods to buy a copy of her new album.
There, word quickly spread and several thousand people raced down to to form a frenzied throng desperate to get close to their idol.
Things grew steadily more intense, physical and scary until eventually I witnessed her chief bodyguard – a giant of a man – actually punch a paparazzi straight on the head, knocking him to the floor.
That was real superstar fame, on a scale few well-known people will ever experience.
Beyoncé’s over-excited audience that day pretty much typified what I suspect her normal audience looks like: black, white, asian, hispanic, young, old, male, female, Jewish, Muslim, Christian.
In other words, a multi-cultural, age, gender and religion irrelevant demographic.
She’s a global brand, one of the best in the business, and has generally steered studiously clear of saying or doing anything too contentious which might polarise that audience – preferring to entertain for the sake of entertaining.
But just lately, Beyonce’s been adding a far more serious, deeply political and race-fuelled tone to her work.

  In February of this year, she dropped the song “Formation” which contained references to the activist movement Black Lives Matter.

A video accompanying it included Beyoncé strewn across a sinking police car in a withering throwback to police mistreatment of the black community in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.
Other scenes showed a wall bearing the graffiti “Stop Shooting Us” and a young black boy dancing in a hoodie in front of a line of policemen.
It was seen, understandably, as an attack on U.S. police.
The next day, Beyoncé sang Formation during the half-time Superbowl show and stepped up the police-hating theme with a tribute to the militant activist group, Black Panthers.
Her back-up dancers had Panthers-style afro hairstyles and black berets, formed an X on the pitch and punched the air in the style of the famous black power salute.
Beyoncé herself wore black leather and a bandolier of bullets.
To say this was a provocative statement is putting it mildly.
The Black Panthers, set up as a group who would protect black Americans from police brutality, became infamous for their own brutality, especially against police, and widespread criminal and murderous membership within their ranks.
Beyonce’s tribute to them was branded ‘disgraceful and outrageous’ by former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, incensed that she had ‘used the platform of the Superbowl to attack the police.’
Now, just two months later, she has released her full album Lemonade.
Many of the instant headlines attached to it focus on her apparent calling out of husband Jay-Z as a love cheat.
But I was far more drawn to the politically-charged content in much of the rest of it.
There’s a clip of Malcolm X, the radical and controversial black separatist who opposed Dr Martin Luther King’s creed of non-violence, saying: ‘The most disrespected person in America is the black woman.’
Another shows two grieving mothers appearing on camera.
The first is Lesley McSpadden, filmed crying as she holds a photo of her late son Mike Brown who was shot dead by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri in 2014 – an incident which sparked huge protests.


 Popular veteran Talk show host, Wendy Williams is of the opinion that the drama with Beyoncé/Beyhive and Rachel Roy-cheating allegations could be a set-up plan or stunt to boost album sales.
Wendy even thinks that Beyonce and Jay Z could have paid Rachel Roy to cause the drama,she believes Rachael Roy is not troublesome person that fight .
She said:
'Rachel Roy, first of all, you're not this fighting girl unless you're on Jay Z and Beyonce's payroll.
'And they paid you to mix it up to add, I guess, sales for Lemonade.'

Wendy also criticised Queen Bey for releasing the album only 2 days after the death of the legendary Prince.


"Quite frankly, I wish Beyoncé had held off on the album after Prince. Like, the weekend had blown over. And Bill Cosby, don't get beside yourself. Long after prince is gone, and Beyoncé and Jay Z are still together, we are going to circle back around and still deal with you."

Monday 25 April 2016


  A Texas married man bit and smothered his two-year-old daughter in a 'out of rage' after she interrupted his video-game playing, police say.

Anthony Michael Sanders, 31, of Watauga, is alleged to have killed Ellie Sanders on December 12 while her mom was out of the house at an art show.

When mother Cassie Wright returned home at 8:30pm she was told Ellie was asleep; it was only 30 minutes later, when Ellie's five-year-old brother found out that his sister wasn't waking, that emergency services were called.

'He tried to wake her up and she wouldn’t wake up. He went in there and told [his parents] that she was sleeping and wouldn’t wake up,' Sgt. Jason Babcock, a police spokesman. told the Star-Telegram.

Thinking her daughter was just sleeping, the mother told him to let her rest - but Sanders went to check on her, and began shouting to call 911.Ellie was pronounced dead in hospital at 10:10pm, but according to an affidavit, doctors found bruising on her body and fact - including bruising around the eyes - blood behind one ear and bite marks that could have come from an adult human.

I wonder which video game made him kill his daughter


A proclaimed pastor and two other members of his family, which  includes his wife, were released on EC$5,000 (One Ec dollar =US$0.37 cents) bail each after they appeared in court on Friday, April 22 on a charge of unlawfully and maliciously inflicting grievous bodily harm on a man,all in the name of  'spiritual warfare'.

Pastor Nigel Morgan, his wife Althea, an office clerk and their daughter, Crystal, poured hot water on Cuthbert Victory, a mason, as part of a “spiritual warfare” on April 9 in Marriaqua, St. Vincent, Jamaica. The three are reported to have held down Victory while their daughter poured the boiling water on his back.

A video of the incident has been posted on popular social network, Facebook, showing that the incident  took place in a drain along the public road in Hopewell, Mesopotamia, near the home of the pastor.

The 37-year-old mason, suffered burns to his back, shoulders, chest and face. He said he had been told by doctors that he suffered first-degree burns and that the water that was poured on him was mixed with oil.

The trio, appeared before Chief Magistrate, Rechanne Browne-Matthias at the Serious Offence Court in Kingstown. They pleaded not guilty and will re-appear in the Mesopotamia Magistrate’s Court in Marriaqua, on April 29.

"I hope you all make enough money — you hear?" said Morgan, as photographers too the picture of the family as they left the court building. "I hope you all give an offering to all the churches," he added.

Attorney Kay Bacchus-Browne told CMC on Friday that her clients have a good defense.

He stated-

"It is not like what you see going around on social media where it is being said that the three of them joined together. It is not like that at all," Bacchus-Browne said.
Morgan had earlier told CMC that the incident was ‘a spiritual warfare. "This is a spiritual warfare. It is in the hands of God and he will fight and he will deliver,"


 The General Superintendent of popular pentecostal church Deeper Life Bible Church, Pastor W.F Kumuyi has warned  his members that hell will be hotter than normal for them,he said this during a service.

In his sermon, the 74 -years old man of God made  it known that Deeper Life members have heard enough of God’s word and opportunity to repent, therefore, those who don't end up in heaven will have the hottest part of Hell Fire reserved for them. This, he emphasized while preaching the sermon; “Heaven’s Response to Earth’s Request,” in Lagos.

“Hell will be hotter for Deeper Life sinners because they know the truth and do not do them. Turn away from your secret sins; I don’t know how you can be in a church like this and there is fornication, adultery, lying and others in your hand.  All your work in the church will be useless if you don’t repent of your sins. You need to run away from your sins and run unto Jesus. If you say you have repented, you will not continue to spend stolen money. You need to restore all the stolen money if the repentance is genuine.” Kumuyi added that members of the church who steal the church’s money and also steal from the government had not truly repented, warning that unless they truly repent and returned such money, they would go to hell,” he said.

Hear the preacher especially if you are a church member. It’s either you repent or change churches so that you can have the regular temperature with other people and not the special reservation.


 Today was not a lucky day for a danfo driver in Lagos state.
Lagos state Rapid Response Squad, RRS,  apprehended a danfo driver, Ademola Ibrahim, for stealing bridge rails on the Eko Bridge in Ijora, Lagos. Ibrahim was said to have conspired with one other suspect simply identified as Kampo to commit the crime.

The suspects had attempted to park the bridge rails into a waiting Volkswagen Paragon bus with registration number MUS 457 XK when they were apprehended. The RRS operatives were said to be acting on reliable information that some miscreants were removing bridge rails, both the ones used to guide the bridge on top and the ones used to tie the bridge under.

A massive manhunt has is in operation to get the other suspect who is on the run. Ibrahim will be charged to court soon.


Beyonce surprised everyone when she debuted her second visual album titled ‘Lemonade’ on HBO.

 The young talented artist behind Beyonce's body art is a Nigerian based in Brooklyn,USA ,Laolu Senbajo who was featured on The Fader magazine. Laolu shared some of the works he did in Beyoncé’s video saying he’s now relieved that the album is out and he can share his artwork from the video. See some photos he shared via his Instagram page.

Laolu has also been endorsed by Nike to design limited version of airmax


Nigeria President ,Muhammadu Buhari has stated that he has been  spending sleepless nights over how to make the country better just has he  also addressed the situation food scarcity and increase in food prices currently being experienced across the country.

The President  also ordered that 10,000 tonnes of grains should be released from the national strategic grains reserves for distribution nationwide.

The Senior Special Assistant to the President on Media and Publicity, Garba Shehu, who stated this in a statement in Abuja on Sunday, also quoted Buhari as telling Nigerians that his promised 'CHANGE'would not happen overnight.

Shehu also said that the President had directed the Minister of Agriculture, Audu Ogbeh, to assist able-bodied men and women currently holed up in Internally Displaced Persons camps across the country to return to farming.

He said the steps were aimed at easing the hardship being experienced by Nigerians.

Shehu said the Buhari administration should not be blamed for the current bad shape of the economy.

Instead of the President, the presidential spokesman said the Boko Haram sect and past administrations should be held responsible for the state of the economy.

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